Working with us is easy

Make money in 3 easy steps.
Sign up

Takes you only one minute to fill out the form. Your application will be confirmed immediately and you can start posting, sharing and recommending


As a Good Feeling Ambassador you can share your affiliate link on your social media, blogpost, newsletter and with people you appreciate in real life!


Earn 10% commissions on every sale on your 1st level and 5% on your 2nd level. (The 2nd level refers to people who were referred by ambassadors you personally recruited (your 1st level))

The Benefits of Being a Good Feeling Ambassador

Earn unlimited amounts with your personal ambassador link
Personal Branding: Build your unique identity while promoting our premium products
30-day Cookie Duration (once someone clicks on your link, their browser will recognize that for 90 days)
Healthy Lifestyle: Be part of a mission to bring the meaning of well-being to a whole new level

Your commissions 💸

Build your community and earn 10% on your 1st level and 5% on your 2nd level


On sales made through your personal ambassador link


On sales made through the links of ambassadors you’ve referred


How are referrals tracked?
Once you've signed up into our ambassador program, you will receive access to your own ambassador dashboard where you can manage your link and sales. When customers purchase using your link, the sales will be credited to you and therefore earn you commissions. What's special is that even if customers don’t place orders on the first visit, your affiliate cookie will be stored in their browsers and devices - which still earns you commissions when they later purchase as long as the cookie hasn't expired.
How do I get paid?
You will get paid directly to the payment account of your choice, or with Store Credit, if you choose so.